Avoiding duplicate media files

Recording processes sometimes create several copies of one song in your output folder. You can avoid that by setting filters which are based on the files in your existing collection and on the files already recorded by Oceans XStream.

Restriction: The duplicate filter settings apply to views Radio and Music wishes, only.

Step-by-Step: Avoiding duplicate media files

  1. In the Radio or Music wishes view, click 1 Filtered on the status line on the bottom of the Oceans XStream window.
  2. Select one of the following settings to avoid duplicate files:
    Option Description
    Incomplete songs and duplicates Oceans XStream will compare the quality of a new recording with the quality of its already existing copy. The copy with inferior quality will be overwritten (or discarded, respectively).
    Note: Reviewed recordings will never be overwritten or discarded. Instead, an additional copy will be created for these files.
    Incomplete songs, duplicates, live and cover versions, and new copies of reviewed songs (green check mark) Same as above, but: For existing files you have set reviewed, no additional copy will be created.
  3. Click OK.