Problems with radio stations

Can't find, listen to or record a certain station? Some helpful information for problems with radio stations.

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I cannot find a radio station

You could not find a certain radio station?

Oceans XStream cannot connect to a radio station --- Connecting ---

A station shows --- Connecting ---, but the connection fails.

  • The station may require a login. Visit the station's website to find out.
  • The station might be temporary unavailable. Try to connect to this station again in a few hours.
  • The station stream changed. Visit the station's website to find out.
  • The station is not available anymore.

I cannot record songs from a radio station

You are trying to record a station but no recorded songs appear in the Player?

  • If the station shows a green arrow 1: The station is being recorded but the recordings are being filtered. You can always see the number of filtered recordings in the status line, on the bottom of the Oceans XStream window. Click 1 Filtered to check or edit your filter settings.
  • If the station shows a yellow arrow 1: The station might not be suitable for recordings with automatic song cutting features.